Privacy Policy


The Jorja Emerson Centre is committed to safeguarding your privacy. We believe that the best way to protect the privacy of our users is to tell you what information we gather and ensure that you understand and consent to The Jorja Emerson Centre uses of the information you provide. We may occasionally modify the Privacy Policy and will post the revised Privacy Policy on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we use or disclose it.

We may let you know via the homepage when this happens but you should check the policy frequently to read the latest Privacy Policy. Please note that the Website contains links to and from other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites whether or not we provide you with a link from this Website to such third-party Websites. The information practices of those other websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We set out below answers to frequently asked questions regarding The Jorja Emerson Centre Privacy Policy.

What information do we collect? How do we use it?

When you visit certain parts of the Website and/or contact us, we may ask you for certain information such as contact information, telephone numbers, your email address, your location (e.g. U.K or U.S) and the name of your organisation. This information is stored in our database. Subject to the uses of this information to which you have consented, the database enables The Jorja Emerson Centre to provide you with the information you request from us. We may also use your personal information to track activity on the Website. We do this in order to serve you better as we understand how you and other visitors use the Website. When we collect personal information we make an effort to include a link to this Privacy Policy on that page.

We will only use your information for the purposes set out below if you have indicated that you wish us to use your information in this way when submitting the information. Additionally, if at any time you wish us to stop using your information for any or all of the below purposes, please let us know by contacting us.

We will stop the use of your information for such purposes as soon as it is possible to do so. From time to time we would like to use the information you supply to us for:

  • Market research
  • Responding to feedback
  • Informing you about our services which may include contacting you by telephone
  • Sending you information that may be of interest to you.
  • We also use technology that allows us to track visitors to the Website so that we can understand how you and other visitors use it. For example, we use this technology to gather the following statistics:
  • Your total number of visits
  • Your total number of page views
  • How many pages you clicked on
  • Your location
  • The length of time you spent on the Website
  • Where you arrived from (either directly, via a referring site or search engine)
  • Your connection speed
  • What browser /operating system /screen resolution you have


We are committed to using our best efforts to maintain the security of your personal information. Although we use our best efforts to protect the security of your personal information and our system, due to the inherent open nature of the Internet, no transmission via the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result of this and other factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit to or through our Website. Therefore, you assume that risk by using the Website.

Notice to minors

This Site is intended for use by adults. If you are under 16 please do not send us any personal information including your email details. If you would like to contact us please do so through a parent or legal guardian (ask them to email us on your behalf). If you are a parent or legal guardian of a child who has submitted us with personal information, please let us know by contacting us. We will delete such personally identifiable information from our database as soon as possible following our receipt of any such notice.

Access to your information

Where required under local law, we will, upon request and payment of any fee stipulated by local law, provide you with all the information we hold about you and which we are obliged to disclose to you. In making this request, please contact us or contact our office and specify that you require disclosure of your personal information.

Do we share the information we receive?

In addition to the sharing of your information as otherwise set forth in this policy, as The Jorja Emerson Centre is an international agency your information may be shared within The Jorja Emerson Centre branch offices. Save as described below, we do not otherwise disclose information about your individual visits to the Website or information that identifies you to any third parties unless we have your prior consent or unless requested by local regulators and law enforcement officers or required by applicable law, rule, or regulation. However, in order to provide an efficient service, certain functions such as hosting, storage fulfilment and disaster recovery are provided by third parties. Where this is the case we will ask those with whom we share data to agree to protect data as The Jorja Emerson Centre has agreed in this Privacy Policy.

Your Choice

The Jorja Emerson Centre permits you to opt-in to receive certain communications from The Jorja Emerson Centre. If at any time you want to opt out of receiving communications from The Jorja Emerson Centre or you no longer wish your feedback to be displayed on the Website, please let us know by contacting us and we will change your Preferences.

Are there any security issues?

We take the security of your data seriously. Therefore, once we receive your transmission, we make our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

It is our policy to virus-check documents and files before they are posted on this Website. However, we cannot guarantee that documents or files downloaded from this Website will be free from viruses and we do not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any virus. Accordingly, for your own protection, you must use virus-checking software when using this Website. You must not post or provide to us via this Website, any document or file which you believe may contain a virus. You must virus-check any document or file which you intend to post or provide to us via this Website.

Unfortunately, no data transmission or security program can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. You remain responsible for the security of your computer at all times.

Worldwide transfer of your data

The dynamics of the Internet may mean that information is sent electronically outside of the country where you originally entered the information. In addition, that information may be used, stored and processed outside the country where you entered that information. While there is a risk that countries to which information is transferred will not be subject to an information protection regime as rigorous as that of the EEA or the United States as applicable, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is treated securely and adequately protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, if you are resident in the EEA and you do not want your information to be transferred outside of the EEA please do not send us personal data. If you are a resident of the United States and do not want your information to be transferred outside of the United States please do not provide us with any information.

What about ‘cookies’?

‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard-drive. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent that. We only use cookies to keep track of the pages you visit on the Website and to tell us whether you have visited the Website previously so that, in order to serve you better, we understand how you and other visitors use the Website. By modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. We have sought to set up our Website so as to notify you before a cookie is used. However, if you choose to reject all cookies, you may be unable to use parts of the Website.

Your Consent

You represent and warrant that all information you provide to us shall be truthful and accurate and shall not violate the rights of any third party. By using the Website and submitting information, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information by us as described above; and the transfer of your personal information to countries outside of the EEA or the United States as applicable.

Accuracy of Your Personal Information

We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the information you have supplied us with, please contact us as set out below.


If The Jorja Emerson Centre merges with, acquires or is sold to another company or goes into bankruptcy or engages in other such business transactions, we may share files and email records with our business and merger partners.

Online data

This general Privacy Policy only applies to the collection of data online and not to offline information. This Privacy Policy may be amended or superseded by a specific privacy policy for the collection and use of other data. Where this Privacy Policy is amended or superseded for the collection and use of other data The Jorja Emerson Centre will draw that amended privacy policy to your attention.

Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is protected and governed by the Laws of England. If you are resident in any other jurisdiction, the Privacy Policy is also covered under English law.

Further Information

If you have any requests or questions regarding this Privacy Policy please write to The Jorja Emerson Centre at 10 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LG or contact us on 0333 050 5088
Company registered number: 14610457
© The Jorja Emerson Centre 2024. All rights reserved.